Thursday, July 27, 2017

Summer Boating Etiquette

Are you looking forward to another summer on the water?

Do you know the correct etiquette for boaters? Are you following the rules, or do you tend to be a little reckless?

The last thing you want this summer is a boating accident that could harm you or someone you love.
You should also teach boating etiquette to your children, so they can be safer boaters, too!

aluminum boat docks, aluminum dock sections, boat dock parts, aluminum docks, dock installation, dock design Right Of Way

When crossing paths with another vessel, you should recognize which vessel is the “privileged” or “stand-on” vessel. In other words, you and your boat either “stand-on” course because you have the right-of-way, or you “give way” to another vessel.

When passing another boat, sound two short blasts from your horn to signify you’d like permission to pass. If the boat you’re trying to pass blasts their horn five times, or doesn’t respond at all, you should assume it’s not safe to pass.

This rule can be a little vague sometimes, especially if you’re on a river or lake that’s very crowded. Frank Penny, a boating safety and seamanship course instructor for U.S. Power Squadron says, “It’s good sense to relax, let the other guy have the right-of-way and avoid a collision, no matter who has the right-of-way.” In other words, if you feel like you’re being challenged by another boater, let the other boat go first.

Anchoring and Mooring

Be sure to enter an anchorage or mooring at a slow speed. Remember that your neighbors and other boaters don’t want to get caught up in a wake you create by coming in at a high speed! Don’t get too close to other anchored boats, and take care not to blind your neighbors if you’re using a spotlight.

Marina Manners

If you’re stopping at a marina instead of your private boat dock, keep in mind that other boats are also using it. At peak times of the day, remember that other boats are stopping for fuel and other necessities, so make sure to follow proper procedures and move out of the way in a timely manner.
In addition, make sure to keep the area around your slip clear and put equipment back where it belongs if you use it.

Take a Safety Course

If you’re new to boating or want a refresher, take a boating safety course! There are courses available through the U.S. Coast Guard and Coast Guard Auxiliary about boat safety and boat handling that are great for learning not only written rules of boating, but the unwritten ones too.

At the end of the day, boaters tend to think of each other as members of the same community and neighbors, so make sure you exercise good etiquette out on the water. Stop to help a fellow boater if they need it, and be courteous no matter what.

Looking For More?

If you need more information about boating, aluminum boat docks, or accessories, Alumi-Span can help! We love spending time on the water and want to help you have a great summer on the lake, too. Contact us today to find out how we can help you build a custom boat dock to transform your cottage or lake house into the perfect summer giveaway!

Saturday, July 15, 2017

5 Must-Have Dock Accessories

Sprucing up your dock space with a few new accessories this year? Not sure where to start furnishing your new dock with necessary accessories?

Have you recently purchased aluminum dock sections but want them to be more than just a place to tie your boat?

Putting six decades of experience to use, we have compiled a list of 5 must-have dock accessories. From purely functional to purely recreational, we’ve got it all covered! Check it out and discover what you’ve been missing.

1.    Bumpers

Bumpers are an essential piece of equipment for docks used with water equipment from motorized boats to kayaks. Protecting your dock, your person, and your equipment, bumpers are not something to go without. 

2.    Ladders

Ladders are a great addition to a dock that will be used for swimming or just for added safety. Aluminum ladders offer security and durability. Make sure to choose a spot for the ladder that won’t interfere with the function of your dock.

3.     Corner Sections

Dock corner sections might seem unnecessary, but actually offer a solution to multiple problems. Installing a corner section on a right angle corner of your dock provides a perfect location for a ladder, creates more space at the corners, and deters people from unsafely jumping the corners.

4.    Solar Lights

Solar lights are the ideal lighting solution for your dock! They are easy to install and work automatically. You don’t have to worry about wiring, where to add a switch for easy access, or adding to your electric bill. Your lights will charge in sun and turn on automatically as it gets dark.

5.    Furniture

Dock furniture could be seen as an indulgence. But if you’ve spent the time to create a great space, why not make it easy to enjoy it as much as possible? When choosing furniture, make sure you’re going for sturdy material that can handle the conditions like any other part of your dock.

If you’ve love your dock but still feel like something is missing, these 5 must-have accessories should hit the spot! Call us today with questions about adding accessories or aluminum dock sections to your waterfront space. We’re ready to help your property look its best for years to come.

Saturday, July 1, 2017

4 Things to Know About Aluminum Boat Docks

Planning for a new dock this summer? Wondering if aluminum dock sections are the right choice for your new dock or dock upgrade? Don’t know much about aluminum docks and sections?

If you have an older dock at your waterfront property, you might be used to the look and maintenance of traditional wood docks and not have much experience with aluminum dock sections. Luckily, aluminum docks are the easiest docks to own and use, so your inexperience won’t stand in the way of building a beautiful, lasting dock with aluminum!

To convince you, we boiled it down to four essential things you need to know about aluminum boat docks:

1.    Corrosion-Be-Gone

With modern anodizing to protect your aluminum dock, corrosion, erosion, and other damage from exposure are things of the past. Anodizing aluminum creates an oxide layer on the surface of the metal protecting it from damage and heat buildup over time. 

2.    Unmatched Muscle

Pound-for-pound, you can’t beat aluminum’s strength as a dock material. Aside from the more obvious benefits of this strength, like durability and low maintenance, the power of aluminum also allows you to make use of a low freeboard. With your decking closer to the water, it will be easier to use non-motorized vehicles like canoes and kayaks.

3.    So Cool

Not only is anodized aluminum stronger, but it is also cooler than other dock materials. Under the baking sun, other materials will heat up and scorch bare feet, even if they’re painted white! It may be surprising to learn that, even as a metal, aluminum won’t heat up as much as other materials, making it safer and more comfortable.

4.    Light as a Feather

Not literally of course, but aluminum’s lightweight is still noteworthy! Working with a lightweight material will make your job easier if you go the DIY route with installation, or plan to make additions and improvements down the road. With lighter materials, professionals can also make efficient work of a dock installation.

Add these four things together and you have a dock that will be durable and attractive for years to come! A love for being on the water is pretty much all you need to enjoy your new aluminum dock.
If you have questions about a new dock, or aluminum dock sections, give us a call today. We are ready to help you have a better dock.

Hardware that Works Together

Why is it important to have high quality hardware? Alumi-Span is your one-stop-shop for boat dock hardware. Everything is made to work with ...