Thursday, February 15, 2018

Buy a Boat and Accessories without Sinking Your Budget

Are you looking forward to winter ending and boating season beginning?

Do you already own a boat, or are you dreaming of making that big purchase?

Did you know that there are lots of accessories available that can not only make your boating experience more enjoyable, but also protect your investment?

At Alumi-Span, we offer a variety of unique dock accessories that add convenience and function to your boat dock. In addition, most of the accessories we sell are items that we manufacture designed around our boat dock system.

boat dock bumpers, boat dock accessories, boat dock parts, dock accessories, aluminum boat docks, dock sections, aluminum dock sections

We believe in giving you the highest quality materials to make your boating experience the best it can be!

If you’re still waffling about making that big purchase, try asking yourself these questions before going shopping:

  1. What will you use your boat for? According to The National Marine Manufacturers Association (NMMA), the top reasons people buy a boat are fishing, cruising, and sailing. To save money, buy the simplest, cheapest boat for your use.
  2. Do you really have time to enjoy your boat? Avoid purchasing a large boat if you think you’ll only be able to enjoy it once a month. If you love boating but don’t have a lot of time for it, consider renting.
  3. Think you need a bigger boat? The NMMA says that ninety-five percent of U.S. boats on the water are 26 feet or less. Consider how many passengers you want to carry, and if you need room for just cocktail hour for friends, sleeping quarters, or simply a place to sit as you fish. Remember, the bigger the boat, the larger your cost is to operate.
  4. Where will you keep the boat? The bigger the boat, the larger and stronger the trailer and car or truck you’ll need to pull it. Additionally, as size increases, you may find yourself needing to extend your boat dock, or get additional permits.

Once you’ve asked yourself these questions, it’s time for the fun part – shopping! Once you buy your boat, make sure to call Alumi-Span for all your boating and dock accessories!

We can help you install a great boat dock that will protect your investment by keeping your boat scratch and dent-free. To find out more about our accessories including dock lighting, stairs and steps, and boat dock bumpers, visit our website!

Thursday, February 1, 2018

Which Boat Dock Bumper is Right for Your Boat?

Have you recently purchased a new boat?

Have you had a boat for years, but you’re tired of seeing it take a beating each time you dock?

Are you looking to improve the overall look and feel of your boat dock?

Boat dock bumpers are a great addition to any aluminum boat dock.  Our popular torpedo post bumpers as well as the Alumi-Span exclusive dock post bumper extensions are a great way to protect your investment.  Dock post bumpers cover the connection between your cross arm and the upright pole.  Best of all you can use these items on any post style dock system.  There are several advantages to using post bumpers.

Torpedo post bumpers come in a variety of colors and sizes to suit your needs.


Even if you have a boat lift, it’s common to pull the boat up directly to the dock.  Loading passengers, launching wake board equipment, or transporting heavy coolers is much easier with the boat right next to the dock.  Dock post bumpers give you something to bring the boat up against.  They will protect your jell coat and also protect the dock.  If your boat has a high rub rail like a pontoon boat torpedo post bumper extensions can also be a great product to use.  With the correct bumper system you can pull your boat into the dock without worry.


A carefully chosen bumper system will add protection to the dock and will also beautify it! You can color coordinate post bumpers and extension bumpers to match your side stringer bumpers.  This not only gives you full coverage of the dock but also looks great.  Side stringer bumpers also work great at protecting small boats that may get bushed under the dock.  Many customers even match the color of the post and side stringer bumpers to their boat covers as well.


Alumi-Span dock post bumpers are universal for all post style dock systems.  You don’t need to have an Alumi-Span Dock to utilize many of our dock bumper options.  Post bumpers are commonly used on aluminum, vinyl, and even wood dock systems. 

How Do You Know Which Option to Choose?

For help picking out the best boat dock bumpers for your needs, contact us today! Our friendly technicians have the expertise to guide you when you’re deciding on an upgrade for your boat dock.
At Alumi-Span, we’ve been in the business of making boat owner’s lives easier for over 60 years! We know how much pride you take in having friends and family come out on the water with you, and we want to help you make it a great experience.

Contact us today to get started! Together, we can help you design, install, or upgrade the dock you’ve always wanted.

Rebuild Options

Is your boat dock worn down, but not ready to be fully replaced? If your dock has seen better days, Alumi-Span Docks can help restore its fu...