Thursday, March 22, 2018

3 Accessories that Make Your Dock Safer

Interested in making summer fun on your boat dock safer? Making updates to your dock to keep your family safe this season? Looking for dock accessories that will improve your safety?

If you have a boat dock and a family to look after, dock safety is probably one of your top concerns. Doing more for your family’s safety than using caution and keeping an eye on them could be as simple as adding a few dock accessories to your waterfront!

Take a look at our top 3 accessories for improved dock safety:

  1. Lighting:

    The importance of sufficient, quality lighting on your dock can’t be overstated. Even if you never intend to use your dock when sunlight isn’t in full force, things happen and you should be prepared. A well lighted dock will be better protected from accidents with other boaters using the water way at night.

    Solar lights are your best and work in most circumstances. Make sure you reference a good guide when you install the lights to guarantee proper placement, or consult a professional!
  2. Ladders:

    If your dock is used by swimmers, boaters, or people enjoying other water activities, a ladder is a key safety accessory. It will make your dock easier to use and safer in both emergency and everyday situations.
  3. Corner Sections:

    If you have one or more slips or any ninety degree angles on your dock, a corner section is a smart dock accessory to consider for safety. Adding corner sections will discourage people from jumping the corners, which can be dangerous, and it will give you more room to move on the dock.

These dock upgrades are quick and easy, but they can make a big impact on improved safety. If you have any questions about these dock accessories or your family’s safety around the water, give us a call today!

Thursday, March 1, 2018

How to Enjoy Your Dock and Keep Your Family Safe!

Want to up the safety factor of your boat dock this year? Wondering about dock improvements that will make your family safer? Want to enjoy your dock and make your family more safe and comfortable?

We understand that owning a waterfront space with a dock and having a family to look after puts a lot on your plate. Your main concern may be safety, but you want you and your family to be able to enjoy time by the dock, too! A few safety tips might be just the key to help you find the right balance between safety and fun. Check out our tips below!

  • Dock Accessories for Safety: Quite a few dock accessories are available to you that can improve the safety of your dock for your family. One example is solar lighting. Adequate lighting for your dock will keep you and your family safer when you use the dock in the early mornings or evenings and can prevent waterway accidents. Other examples of dock accessories that improve safety are stairs and ladders, corner sections, and bumpers.
  • Family Safety Policies: Setting up consistent rules or policies about dock use can help keep your family safer, especially when you can’t keep an eye on everyone every minute. An example of a good policy is that younger kids must put on life vests BEFORE stepping onto the dock. For older kids consider a policy of a curfew for dock use, or always requiring they notify you when they intend to use the dock.
  • Preventative Maintenance: Maintenance tasks will help keep your dock a safer space for everyone and can allow you to avoid heavy expenses for repairs. Preventative maintenance includes cleaning your dock, regularly checking cables, replacing damaged or over-worn sections, storing loose items, and covering your boat.

After reading those tips, we bet you feel safer already! Safety is a big issue, but addressing it on your boat dock can be quite simple. If you have more questions about family safety on your boat dock or you want to know about dock accessories, give us a call today.

Hardware that Works Together

Why is it important to have high quality hardware? Alumi-Span is your one-stop-shop for boat dock hardware. Everything is made to work with ...