Friday, April 16, 2021

Protect Your Investment with These Dock Maintenance Tips

Trying to avoid expensive maintenance on your aluminum boat dock? 

A boat dock is a big investment, and you want to make sure it's protected.

Read our tips to protect your aluminum dock on our website!

For more information about dock maintenance, or if you are considering an aluminum dock at your property, give us a call today. With more than 50 years of experience, we have expertise to give you a beautiful dock that lasts!

Thursday, April 1, 2021

Avoid Expensive Dock Maintenance

Worried about major maintenance and owning a boat dock? Hoping to avoid as much dock maintenance as possible? Considering an aluminum dock at your waterfront property?

A sturdy dock is no small thing when you need access to the water. In fact, a durable and, ideally, attractive dock is one of your top priorities on any waterfront property. But with constant exposure to water and weather, maintenance of your dock can be a huge (and expensive) pain!

Read more on our website!

Simple as they are, these tips can really save you from a big maintenance hassle in the future!

For more information about dock maintenance, or if you are considering an aluminum dock at your property, give us a call today. With more than 50 years of experience, we have expertise to give you a beautiful dock that lasts!

Hardware that Works Together

Why is it important to have high quality hardware? Alumi-Span is your one-stop-shop for boat dock hardware. Everything is made to work with ...