Friday, September 1, 2023

Things to Consider Before Building a Boat Dock

How to Build a Boat Dock Michigan, Michigan How to Build a Boat Dock
Have you been waiting for the right time to build your boat dock? There are a few things to take into consideration before you start!

Shorelines. What does the shoreline look like where you live? Grassy? A steep descent? Rocky? This will also influence the type of dock you construct.

Water Levels and Currents. Is there a lot of boat traffic and strong currents where you live? Do water levels fluctuate often? Consider the water level of your lake before you build.

Lake Bottom Sedimentation. Before you choose a dock style, consider the bottom of the water! Is it flat and sandy? Mucky? Research which dock types will suit the lake bottom best.

Laws & Ordinances. Some lakes have regulations on maximum dock length or rules about taking the docks out in winter.  Make sure to do your research and find out what is required by the lake, county, and state where you live.

Time for Maintenance. How much time do you have to perform yearly maintenance on your dock?  Are you able to spend time staining, etc. or do you need a dock that is maintenance free?

Wondering How to Build a Michigan Boat Dock?

Alumi-Span Docks offers both videos and installation guides to help you learn how to build a boat dock in Michigan. You can also buy all the dock parts you need straight from our website. Have questions? Call us at (855) 523-2444 or submit a contact form here.

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